& Spirit of Grace Lutheran
Joint Services
Brooks United Church is a registered charity and depends on donations in order to continue the ministry and outreach we have to offer the congregation, the wider community of Brooks, and the world.
We accept donations to go towards our church as well as Mission & Service.
You can learn more about that at https://www.united-church.ca/community-faith/get-involved/giving-choices
Funds to donate to
General Fund:
Daily operating expenses of our church including the minister’s salary, secretary wages, facility costs such as utilities, worship supplies, youth programs, etc.
It costs approximately $3,000 per week to operate our church. In order to continue our services to our congregation and the larger communities of which we are a part of, we need to raise approximately $180,000 annually.
Building and Maintenance Fund:
As every home owner knows, buildings need repairs and upgrading from time to time. Repairs and renovations to our church building, equipment and property average about $2,000 per month.
Benevolence Fund:
For emergency needs of individuals in our local community. Assistance is distributed at the discretion of the minister or the church board.
While some of our operating costs are covered by fund-raising activities, we rely on donations from individuals for most of our financial needs.
Ways to Give to our church -
Cash or cheque offerings during worship services. Offering envelopes are available at the church office.
EFT - (Electronic Funds Transfer) – Send a bank transfer to our email address. Include your name and address in the message and we will send you a receipt for income tax purposes. Contact our office for exact details.
PAR – Pre-Authorized Remittance – set up a regular monthly transfer from your bank account to ours. You can specify the areas of the church that you want your donation to go to. Forms are available at the entrance to the church or at the church office.
For information on planned giving please contact the church office for detailed information.
Income tax credits for charitable donations will reduce the amount of income tax you have to pay. For annual donations up to $200 you will receive 25% back, and for donations exceeding $200 you will receive 50% back. Donation tax credits that exceed your taxes payable can be carried forward to future years.